Journal of Physiology binding question (3 messages) Birdie MacLennan 24 Jun 1996 20:08 UTC

3 messages, 97 lines:

Date:         Mon, 24 Jun 1996 08:09:32 -0400
From:         David Weeks <WEEKS@UPEI.CA>
Subject:      Re: Journal of Physiology binding question

Kimberly, I believe you are referring to AMERICAN JOURNAL OF
PHYSIOLOGY. We bind each part separately and label the spine as:
Vol. 270
No. 5
Pt. 1

Since this journal is cited indicating issue and part no. we don't put
the page numbers on the spine.
We received feedback from some of our users and this seems to work
the best. We bind issues throughout the year so usually have two
parts at the bindery at any one time.

Voice:  (902)-566-0353;  Fax: (902)-628-4305; E-Mail:
Kimberly J. Laird <LAIRDK@MEDSERV.ETSU-Tn.Edu> wrote:
>     Hi All...
>     Yet another question : How do you bind Journal of
> Physiology? This title has many sub-titles & very very odd
> pagination.
>     Do you (1) tear each issue apart & bind it so the
> appropriate pagination is together?
>     (2) Or, do you mark each volume with information about what
> pagination is within each volume? e.g.
>     v.269
>     no.1,pt.2
>     Jul
>     1995
>     H1-89
>     R1-320
>     F1-18
>     or some such variation? thanks for any feedback you might
> have. ...

Date:         Mon, 24 Jun 1996 09:43:24 -0500
From:         Carol Feustel <Carol.Feustel@UC.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Journal of Physiology binding question

I assume you mean American Journal of Physiology, as it has those
horrendous sections.  Our binding specialist prints a binding slip for
each section, and packs them in their own box.  The bindery separates
and paginates before binding.  Costs a little more, but it's worth it!

Carol Feustel                           email: carol.feustel@UC.EDU
Serials Specialist                      phone: 513-558-0179
Medical Center Libraries                fax:   513-558-1709
University of Cincinnati
PO Box 670574
231 Bethesda Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0574

Date:         Mon, 24 Jun 1996 11:35:22 -0700
From:         Florence Schreibstein <schreibs@AECOM.YU.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Journal of Physiology binding question

At the Einstein Library we bind each issue separately.  To bind a
month's 2 parts would make the volume too heavy and too hard to
photocopy.  We do not include page numbers.  The format is below:
               v. 270
               no. 1
               pt. 1
               Jan 1996
  Most of the time this works. Every so often a patron comes in with a
reference, generally to a current unbound issue, without a section or
page number.  I count to ten and leaf through the table of contents.
The sections are also not alphabetically arranged in the table of
contents. Even though I don't like it, it works.
  The subtitles are to the sections that members can order separately.
  I'm always surprised that it doesn't cause even more problems.
  Good luck!

Florence Schreibstein                        email:
D. Samuel Gottesman Library                  tel: 718-430-3110
Albert Einstein College of Medicine          fax: 718-430-8795
1300 Morris Park Avenue  Bronx, NY 10461 USA