Guidelines for Journal Usage
Rose LaJudice 24 Jun 1996 19:46 UTC
Dear People,
We have recently been able to generate a report that reflects how many
times a journal has been charged out or taken off the shelf (the journals
have barcodes and we have a rolodex for the current issues) by using a
portable scanner.
I wanted to ask what someone would consider low usage. We have 400 titles -
and the report reflects 7 months.
That is if a journal shows that it was used 25x would this be considered
low? I work in a medical library in a large hospital - 788 beds.
Mainly residents,medical students, staff etc.
The New Eng. Jou. of Med showed 700+ times of use. So I realize that would
reflect heavy usage.
I am just courious what guidelines other libraries use.
Thank you
Rose M. LaJudice