One record approach to cataloguing Internet resources Leanne McKinnon 04 Jun 1996 17:34 UTC


The National Library of Australia has been cataloguing electronic serials
since early 1994.  In January 1996, the decision was made to trial a 'one
record' approach to titles for which both an electronic and print version
exist.  In practice, this means that information regarding the existence of
an online version is incorporated into the record for the paper-based

The information currently being added to bibliographic records includes the
electronic location and access details (USMARC 856 / ABN tag ELA) and a note
indicating that the title is available electronically.  For example; 'From
issue 3 (Nov. 1995) also available in an electronic version via the Internet
at http://...'.  As the ISSN International Centre requires that separate
ISSNs be allocated to print and electronic versions of the same title, both
ISSNs are included in the same record.

The National Library of Australia's decision to create only one record to
describe both electronic and print versions is chiefly a pragmatic one - it
is less resource intensive to add one or two fields to an existing record
than to create separate records.  It is also easier for users to access one
record describing a resource and be offered a choice of format than to have
to search a catalogue for multiple records.

The National Library of Australia is interested in hearing the views of
other libraries with regard to this issue.  Please send your comments to the
list so that all subscribers may participate.

Note for ABN-L subscribers:  These comments are based upon National Library
of Australia policies and practices.  These are not necessarily the views of
the ABN Office.

Leanne McKinnon
Senior Librarian, Electronic Unit
National Library of Australia