Re: Measurement & Evaluation in Counseling & Development Sr. Saint Edward McLaughlin 03 Jun 1996 21:26 UTC

My check-in shows that we have received all of Volume 28 #1-4 and also
Volume 29 #1 April 1996.  Perhaps you have to re-check with your vendor
and/or the publisher directly.

Sr. St. Edward McLaughlin RSHM             Gloria Gaines Memorial Library
Serials/Research Librarian                 Marymount College                 Tarrytown, NY 10591-3796

Jeanette Skwor <SKWORJ@GBMS01.UWGB.EDU> wrote:
> The last issue we received of Measurement & Evaluation in Counseling and
> Development was the July 1995 issue, on June 26, 1995.  I claimed the next
> and all following issues from our vendor, and now, in going over our
> claim report, I see the publisher response is "Too soon to claim.  Please
> allow more time."
> Is that indeed the last issue published of this title?  Does anybody have
> any news on this?
> TIA--
> Jeanette Skwor
> Cofrin Library
> University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
>                  "Librarians are Happy Bookers."