Untangling the Web conference papers Andrea Duda 17 May 1996 00:36 UTC

Papers from the Untangling the Web conference held in Santa Barbara are
now available on the web:


Papers cover topics including:

        * cataloging web resources
        * communication via the web
        * developing and managing a web server
        * digital libraries on the web
        * evaluating and collecting web resources
        * First Amendment issues and the web
        * instruction and the web
        * publishing on the web
        * searching the web
        * using the web for reference

Readers of this list may be particularly interested in "Journals Online
News: Dispersing Collection Management Information on the World Wide Web"
by Anne Langley and Sandra Leach of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

                                Andrea L. Duda
                    Networked Information Access Coordinator
           Davidson Library, University of California, Santa Barbara
                         E-mail: duda@library.ucsb.edu
                     InfoSurf: http://www.library.ucsb.edu