Re: Journal of childrens literature
Marta Abad 14 May 1996 21:58 UTC
At 11:12 14/05/96 EST, Lucie Crews wrote:
>I am having difficulty finding out about the Journal of Childrens Literature.
>It is published by the Childrens Literature Assembly, I think semiannually.
>It was previously titled CLA Bulletin. I have no ISSN.
> My subscription agency did not have it listed and I could not find it in
>any of the serials directories. The information I have came from a faculty
>member , and that is all they knew.
>If anyone recognizes this title and has info such as price and a contact
>person I would appreciate the help. ...
We have no subscription to this journal but this is the information I have
found out:
Journal of Children's Literature
Former title: Childrens Literature Assembly Bulletin
Childrens Literature Assembly
c/o Marjorie R. Hancock
Manhattan - KS 66503
US $20.00
Hope will be helpful.
Marta Abad
Negociado de Publicacions Periodicas
Biblioteca Xeral
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
c/ Travesia de Fonseca, s/n
15702 Santiago de Compostela - SPAIN