At Erindale College, University of Toronto, we are in our fifth year of an
on-going use survey using a hand-held computer. We gather use data on
all periodicals that are off the shelves during a sample month by
reading the bar code on each issue or volume into a hand-held Psion
computer and then dumping the raw data into a D-Base program which produces
reports by title, by budget code and by year. Very useful when it comes to
cancellations, binding decisions, etc. This was developed by Karen Allen
in our library (
Margaret Hawthorn
On Mon, 13 May 1996, Joan Cohen wrote:
>We are trying to develop a mechanism for compiling and recording periodical
>usage statistics. We have approximately 800 current titles and keep the
>current five years in closed stacks. We are primarily interested in usage
>statistics for the closed stack titles. We are on the NOTIS system, but would
>appreciate any input on how others out there are, or are not, doing this.
>I look forward to your answers, and thank you in advance for your help.
> Joan Cohen
> Serials Librarian
> Bergen Community College
> 400 Paramus Road
> Paramus, New Jersey 07642
> (201) 447-7984