Re: Older forms of microforms
Margo Warner Curl 10 May 1996 16:18 UTC
Dan Lester writes:
>As I'm sure many libraries do, we have of "antique"
>microforms. I'm not referring to ancient reels of
>newspapers, but to things like Ultrafiche,
>Microcard, and Microprint. ... .
>What do other libraries do with these almost
>useless items? Have you weeded them? If you've
>weeded them, have you replaced them with other
>microforms, such as film or fiche? If they're
>cataloged, what do you do when patrons want to
>read one of the Ultrafiche?
We have ultrafiche (Library of American Civilization) and were able to get a
lens for our microfiche reader-printer that enlarges these to a reasonable
reading size. I can hunt up more details of type of reader & mag. of lens
if you'd like - let me know.
Margo Warner Curl
Technical Services Librarian
College of Wooster Libraries
The College of Wooster
Wooster OH 44691
voice: 330/263-2154
fax: 330/263-2253