Divorce -New publication? Dorothy Mrugasiewicz 08 May 1996 17:52 UTC

Hi everyone:
Does anyone have any information on a new publication called "Divorce"?
It was apparently to have started in March 1996 as a monthly or bimonthly
somewhere in Canada or even, more specifically, Nova Scotia.  It is too
new to be listed in any of my available sources and I am taking the
chance that someone may have heard of it and may know a publisher name
and/or address. Please reply directly to me. Thanks very much.

|  Dorothy Mrugasiewicz     Email: dorothy@faxon.ca     |
|  Faxon Canada Ltd.        Phone: (519) 472-1005 x256  |
|  P.O. Box 2382              Fax: (519) 472-5987       |
|  London, ON  N6A 5A7                                  |