History Today (25 messages) Birdie MacLennan 07 May 1996 21:00 UTC

25 messages, 412 lines:

Date:         Mon, 6 May 1996 17:14:29 -0500
From:         Debby Dill <DDILL@HPUTX.EDU>
Subject:      History today -request for info. -Reply

At 05:55 PM 5/6/96 EST, Lucy Crews wrote:
>Can anyone confirm that History Today only publishes eleven issues per year
>now and not twelve?  This was the reply from Faxon when I claimed the
>December 1995 issue.


We received v. 45 no 12 December 1995 issue of HISTORY TODAY
(ISSN 0018-2753).  We received it on Dec. 4, 1995.

Debby Dill
Howard Payne University Library
1000 Fisk
Brownwood  TX  76801


Date:         Mon, 6 May 1996 17:11:23 -0500
From:         Susan Andrews <SA5734@ETSUADMN.ETSU.EDU>
Subject:      Re: History today -request for info.


We have no. 12 Dec. 1995.  I don't know what the publishers did with their

Susan Andrews
Serials Catalog Librarian
East Texas State University

Date:         Mon, 6 May 1996 17:37:11 -0500
From:         Virginia Kreyer <virginia_kreyer@POST.UWLAX.EDU>
Subject:      Re: History today -request for info.
To:           Multiple recipients of list SEREDIT <SEREDIT@UVMVM.UVM.EDU>

We received 12 issues in 1995, including vol. 45, no. 12, Dec. 1995.

GINNY KREYER                           E-MAIL:   kreyer@mail.uwlax.edu
PHONE:    (608) 785-8759           FAX:  (608) 785-8634

LA CROSSE,  WI    54601

Date:          Mon, 6 May 1996 16:45:33 -0700
From:          "Debbie Mitchell" <DDM@HBLL1.BYU.EDU>
Organization:  Harold B. Lee Library
Subject:       Re: History today -request for info.

Dear Lucy,

We received Vol.45#12(1995Dec) on Dec 15,1995.  I don't understand
why Faxon advised you of the frequency change, but our vendor
successfully got us our copy.  Try again.  Advise Faxon that other
libraries have received the December 1995 issue.

Hope that helps,
Debbie Mitchell
BYU Serials Claims Supervisor

Date:         Mon, 6 May 1996 19:09:20 -0400
From:         Isabel Trevisani <itrevisa@LASCAR.PUC.CL>
Subject:      Re: History today -request for info.

Dear Lucy: the answer is: History Today, vol.45, no.12, 1995  exists, and we
have it! Our agent is Swets.  "Saludos from Chile".

M. Isabel Trevisani
Head Librarian Serials Dept.
Central Library
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Fax: 56-2-5531993

Date:         Tue, 7 May 1996 12:48:24 +1300
From:         David Foreman <DFOREMAN@WAIKATO.AC.NZ>
Subject:      Re: History today -request for info.

Dear Lucy
            We have been receiving 12 issues of History Today per year for
as long as I can remember and there is certainly a December 1995 issue
                       David Foreman, University of Waikato Library
                              Hamilton, New Zealand

Date:         Mon, 6 May 1996 19:56:29 CDT
From:         "E. Gaele Gillespie" <GGILLESP@UKANVM.BITNET>
Subject:      Re: History today -request for info.

In response to Lucy Crews' inquiry about _History Today_ (0018-2753):
     Vol. 45 (1995) consisted of 12 issues, not 11.  Our issue of vol. 45,
     no. 12 (Dec 1995) was checked in on 12/11/95.  Our subscription for
     this title is handled by Blackwell's Periodicals.   -- Gaele

E. Gaele Gillespie / Serials Librarian / University of Kansas Libraries
Internet: ggillesp@ukanvm.cc.ukans.edu

Date: Mon, 06 May 1996 16:01:28 -0700
From: Ron Phillips <ron.phillips@sonoma.edu>
Subject: Re: History today

The last two years (1994/1995)we've received 12 issues at Sonoma State

ron phillips
serials manager
sonoma state university

Date:         Tue, 7 May 1996 08:18:46 GMT+0100
From:         Henri Krafft <KRAFFT@UB.RUG.NL>
Organization: University of Groningen
Subject:      Re: History today -request for info.

No, "History today" is a monthly journal.
In 1995 we received 12 issues, and I think (I couldn't verify it for you)
that nr. 12 is the issue you claimed.


* H.W.A. Krafft                                                  *
* University Library of Groningen                                *
*       --------                                                 *
*   Broerstraat 4                                                *
*   9712 CP Groningen                                            *
*   The Netherlands                                              *
*   Postbox 559                                                  *
*   9700 AN Groningen                                            *
*       ---------                                                *
*   Phone:    31-50-3635043                                      *
*   Fax:      31-50-3634996                                      *
*   E-Mail:   H.W.A.Krafft@ub.rug.nl                             *
*             Hwa.Krafft@net.HCC.NL                              *
*   Homepage: http://web.inter.NL.net/hcc/Hwa.Krafft/            *

Date:         Tue, 7 May 1996 08:01:51 EDT
From:         Virginia Taffurelli <VITBC@CUNYVM.BITNET>
Subject:      Re: History today -request for info.

We received v.45,no.12 Dec. 1995 in January 17, 1996.  Reclaim this issue.

Virginia Taffurelli
Brooklyn College Library

Date:         Tue, 7 May 1996 06:59:51 -0500
From:         Pauline Bryant <bryantp@HOST1.SWOSU.EDU>
Subject:      Re: History today -request for info.

We received twelve issues for 1995 - the issue for December was v45,#12.
I checked the issue to be sure.

Pauline Bryant
Serials Dept., SWOSU
Weatherford, OK  73096

Date:         Tue, 7 May 1996 07:17:59 -0500
From:         Vickey Baumli <VBAUMLI@ACAD.NWMISSOURI.EDU>
Subject:      Re: History today -request for info.

I received 12 issues for 1995. Vickey Baumli, NORTHWEST MISSOURI
STATE UNIV. , Maryville, MO.

Date:         Tue, 7 May 1996 08:15:44 EDT
From:         Susan Davis <UNLSDB@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject:      Re: History today -request for info.

We received a Dec. 1995 issue of History Today.  Looks like they have
been publishing Jan-Dec for quite some time.  Susan

Susan Davis                           BITNET: UNLSDB@UBVM
Head, Periodicals                   INTERNET: UNLSDB@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU
Central Technical Services             PHONE: (716) 645-2784
Lockwood Library Bldg.                   FAX: (716) 645-5955
State University of NY at Buffalo
BUFFALO, NY  14260-2200

Date:         Tue, 7 May 1996 08:21:20 -0400
From:         Meg Robinson Arnold <ALI00MER@UNCCVM.UNCC.EDU>
Subject:      Re: History today -request for info.
To:           Multiple recipients of list SEREDIT <SEREDIT@UVMVM.UVM.EDU>

Does that mean you still haven't received the December issue? I haven't gone
out to the shelf to see what the latest issue says the frequency is, but I
can tell you that we received the volume 45, no.12, Dec, 1995 on 12-04-95,
if that helps.

Margaret Robinson Arnold
Bindery Supervisor         ali00mer@email.uncc.edu
Atkins Library                 (00 = zero zero)
UNC Charlotte                ph:704-547-2127
9201 University City Blvd
Charlotte NC  28223-0001

Date:         Tue, 7 May 1996 08:32:25 GMT-5
From:         Sonya Foust <FOUST@DATA.LIB.UDAYTON.EDU>
Organization: University of Dayton
Subject:      Re: History today -request for info.

We received Vol. 12 1995 of History Today..so I
would say your information in incorrect.

Hope this helps!

Sonya Foust

Date:         Tue, 7 May 1996 08:42:19 -0400
From:         Barbara Eastland <eastland@MAX.MUHLBERG.EDU>
Subject:      Re: History today -request for info.

        I have 12 issues checked in--the Dec 1995 issue arrived on
12/5/95.  Someone at Faxon is confused.

Barb Eastland, serials
Muhlenberg College
Allentown  PA

Date:         Tue, 7 May 1996 08:46:46 EST
From:         Charles Tremper <CFTREMPE@HAWK.SYR.EDU>
Subject:      Re: History today -request for info.

Yes, Dec. 1995 issued with an appropriately seasonal cover on
Christmas in 19th c. America.  Chas.T>

Charles F. Tremper
Head, Serials Unit and Serials Catalogue Libn.
Bibliographic Services Dept.
Syracuse University Library
Syracuse, N.Y.  13244
telephone:  (315) 443-9775
email:  cftrempe@hawk.syr.edu

Date:         Tue, 7 May 1996 07:57:41 -0600
From:         Jeffrey Steely <STEELYJ@BAYLOR.EDU>
Subject:      Re: History today - Request for information

On 6 May 1996 Lucy Crews asked for confirmation that History today only
publishes 11 issues/year.  According to my check-in records, HT only
published 11 issues in v.43, 1993.  They have, however, published 12 issues
and a year-end index with both v.44 (1994) and  v.45 (1995).  I hope this
is helpful.

Jeff Steely
Sr. Library Assistant
Baylor Libraries: Serials
PO Box 97151
Waco, TX 76798-7151


Date:         Tue, 7 May 1996 08:12:37 -0500
From:         Jay Nordstrom <jay@GAC.EDU>
Subject:      Re: History today -request for info.

If you are talking about v.45 (12) of History Today, our institution
received it on Dec. 4, 1995.
Good Luck in claiming!

   Jay Nordstrom
   Serials Dept./Library
   Gustavus Adolphus College
   St. Peter, MN  56082-1498
   E-Mail:  jay@gac.edu
   Phone: (507)933-7562     FAX: (507)933-6292

Date:         Tue, 7 May 1996 08:21:14 -0500
From:         Martha Woltz <FACWOLTZLM@MERCUR.USAO.EDU>
Subject:      Re: History today -request for info.

Our library received 12 issues of HISTORY TODAY in 1995.
The publishing information in our latest issue says it is
published monthly.  We have the Dec. 1995 issue, vol.45, #12,
on microfiche.

Martha Woltz
University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma

Date:         Tue, 7 May 1996 09:24:28 EDT
From:         Susan Zappen <szappen@SKIDMORE.EDU>
Subject:      History today -request for info.

The Skidmore College Library received 12 monthly issues in 1995. There is a
December 1995 issue --- I held it in my hand. According to the April 1996
issue of History Today, the journal is still published monthly.

Susan H. Zappen                            Phone: (518) 584-5000 ext. 2126
Head of Technical Services              Fax:     (518) 581-6079
Lucy Scribner Library                      Internet: szappen@skidmore.edu
Skidmore College
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866-1632

Date:         Tue, 7 May 1996 11:12:32 EDT
From:         Anita Martin <AMARTIN@LMS.KENT.EDU>
Organization: Kent State University Libraries
Subject:      Re: History today -request for info.


We received v. 45: no. 12 for 1995.

Anita Martin
Serials check-in clerk
Kent State University Library
Kent, Ohio

Date:         Tue, 7 May 1996 11:19:32 CST6CDT
From:         Christine Fletcher <cfletcher@LIBRARY.MSSTATE.EDU>
Subject:      Re: History today -request for info.

We have History Today and we have 45 #112 December 1995.  The piece
says it is published monthly and does not say any months are
Hope this helps,

"Open all the shutters on your windows
Unlock all the locks upon your doors
Brush away the cobwebs from your daydreams
. . .
Oh say its true, only love can see you through
You know what love can do to you!"
             Justin Hayward

)O(  )O(  )O(  )O(  )O(  )O(  )O(  )O(  )O(  )O(
Christine "Stine" Fletcher
Serials Librarian
Mitchell Memorial Library
Mississippi State University
Phone (work) 601-325-3819
      (fax)  601-325-3560
PO Box 4325
MSU, MS 39762-4325
)O(  )O(  )O(  )O(  )O(  )O(  )O(  )O(  )O(  )O(

Date:         Tue, 7 May 1996 12:29:56 -0500
From:         Libby McLean <lmclean@SPOKPL.LIB.WA.US>
Subject:      Re: History today -request for info.

Hi, we received the Dec. 1995 (vol. 45, no. 12) issue of History Today. Libby

Libby McLean
Cataloging Librarian
Spokane Public Library
West 906 Main Avenue
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 626-5324

Date:         Tue, 7 May 1996 14:07:55 -0400
From:         Deborah Harrell <dharrell@WESTGA.EDU>
Subject:      Re: History today -request for info.

Faxon is obviously incorrect.

We received History Today dated December 1995 (Vol. 45 #12) on December 4,


Debbie Harrell
Ingram Library, West Georgia College
phone: 770-836-6498
fax: 770-836-6626