Re: Moody's Address (Meg Matthes)
Ann Ercelawn 30 May 1996 13:18 UTC
Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 16:40:35 -0400
Subject: Re: Moody's Address (Tim Lawrence)
Here is the latest address I have. I hope this helps.
5250 77 Center Drive
Suite 150
Charlotte, NC 28217
Meg Matthes
> Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 14:38:05 -0400
> From: Tim Lawrence <lawrencet@NKU.EDU>
> Subject: Moody's Address
> Does anyone have a current address for Moody's Investment Service? I sent
> a claim to
> P.O. Box 12086
> Newark, NJ 07101
> without luck. It came back stamped "box closed". The address worked
> earlier this year (March); the change must be recent.
> Tim Lawrence
> Serials Assistant
> Northern Kentucky University