Re: From serial to loose-leaf to serial J. McRee Elrod 02 May 1996 19:38 UTC

> It seems to me that this has become a serial publication again, to be issued
> annually, and I would like to catalog it as such. My question: is there some
> clever and creative way, yet within the structure of AACR2 and/or CONSER
> rules, to pull in the loose-leaf publication without making a separate
> monograph record for it? Given that the title has not changed, it seems
> pointless and potentially confusing for patrons to create one record
> referring to the existing (albeit outdated) monographic looseleaf notebooks,
> and another for the new, annual serial.

Being Canadian, we don't have to be concerned with CONSER.  We have one
record with the note:

515$aIssued as a loose-leaf service with semiannual updates 1985-1993;
issued as annual paperbound edition 1994-    .

None of our customers have any of the pre 1985 issues either.

An argument could be made for dividing this information between 310 and
321, but we prefer having it altogether, and we don't use 310, having a
print constant for the frequency fixed field, which is now set to


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[From: "J. McRee Elrod" <jelrod@ISLANDNET.COM>]