Duplicate, Back Issues & Exchange Lists & Services Birdie MacLennan 20 May 1996 17:36 UTC

Wilita (and Others who might be interested):

The topic of duplicates, or withdrawn issues for exchange, or requests for
needed issues has come up on SERIALST several times.  Although SERIALST is
not a forum for the trade or exchange of duplicate, wanted, or unwanted
serials, occasionally we still get requests to post such listings.  Within
the past couple of years, several other forums have emerged to facilitate
exchanges.  Recently, I compiled a listing of Back Issues and Exchange
Services on the World Wide Web.  The list is at:


Currently, all of the sources (except one) that are cited on this web page
are linked directly to the archives of the service (so you can explore each
site).  I'm appending a text version of the Web file here, FYI.  If other
folks know of other back issues and exchange services, please let me know
and I'll add them to the web listing.

   Birdie MacLennan  <bmaclenn@moose.uvm.edu>
   Serials Coordinator, SERIALST Listowner, etc.
   Bailey/Howe Library, University of Vermont

                       Back Issues & Exchange Services

       Here is a list of back issues and exchange services that have
       been mentioned on SERIALST, or through other networked sources
       as being freely-offered through the Internet.  This listing has
       evolved to give those who are interested several options for
       pursuing the discussion and/or trade of serials.

   For Posting Lists for the Exchange of Back Issues & Other Materials:

   * ASEE/ELD Duplicates Exchange - from the American Society for
     Engineering Education/Engineering Libraries Division.

   * BACKSERV - archives and list devoted exclusively to the informal
     exchange of serial back issues and books among libraries.
     (The list address is: backserv@sun.readmore.com. To subscribe, send
     an e-mail message to: listserv@sun.readmore.com   that reads:
     subscribe backserv [your name])

   * BACKMED - archives and list devoted exclusively to the informal
     exchange of medical and health-related serial back issues and
     books among libraries.
     (The list address is: backmed@sun.readmore.com. To subscribe, send
     an e-mail message to:  listserv@sun.readmore.com   that reads:
     subscribe backmed [your name])

   * DEU-L - archives and list of the ALA/ALCTS Duplicates Exchange Union.
     (The list address is: deu-l@shsu.edu. To subscribe, send an e-mail
     message to: listserv@shsu.edu  that reads:  subscribe deu-l [your name])

   * EUROBACK - archives and list devoted to the informal exchange of
     serials back issues and books among European libraries / archives
     et liste reservees exclusivement a l'echange volontaire de
     fascicules de periodiques et de livres entre bibliotheques
     (The list address is: euroback@vm1.ulg.ac.be. To subscribe, send an
     mail message to:  listserv@vm1.ulg.ac.be   that reads:
     subscribe euroback [your name])

   * LIS-MEDJOURNAL-DUPLICATES - a list for duplicate Medical/Health
     sciences journal exchanges to facilitate journal exchange primarily
     between UK medical libraries (although it is open to overseas
     subscribers also), by allowing periodicals librarians to post
     lists of journal duplicates and wants.
     (The list address is: lis-medjournal-duplicates@mailbase.ac.uk. To
     subscribe, send an e-mail message to:  mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk,
     with the name and subject lines blank and the following message in
     the body of the text: join lis-medjournal-duplicates [your name].
     Inquiries about the list should be sent to:

   * NEEDSANDOFFERS-L - archives and list whose purpose is to facilitate
     the exchange of legal library materials among libraries.
     (The list address is: needsandoffers-l@law.wuacc.edu. To subscribe,
     send an e-mail message to:   listproc@law.wuacc.edu  that reads:
     subscribe needsandoffers-l [your name])


   For Discussion (only) of Back Issues, Exchanges, Gifts, etc.
   (processing & processes):

   * GIFTEX-L - a discussion list devoted to gifts and exchange
     librarianship. The list was established to provide a forum for
     discussing issues associated with the processing of gift books
     and journals donated as tax-deductible contributions to libraries
     and establishing, maintaining, and managing exchange of publications
     agreements between libraries. This list focuses on discussion of
     processes -- not actual trading or exchanges of materials.
     (The list address is: giftex-l@lsv.uky.edu ; to subscribe, send an
     e-mail message to:  listserv@lsv.uky.edu   that reads:
     subscribe giftex-l [your name])

   * ACQNET - a discussion forum devoted to library acquisitions,
     collection development, and related subjects.  This list focuses
     on discussion of acquisitions processes -- not actual trading or
     exchanges of materials.
     (The list address is: acqnet-l@listserv.appstate.edu ; to subscribe,
     send an e-mail message to:  listserv@listserv.appstate.edu   that reads:
     subscribe acqnet-l [your name])

   * SERIALST - a discussion list devoted to all aspects of serials
     processing in libraries.  Discussion of processes for back issues,
     exchanges, etc. is welcome though, as a rule, SERIALST is not a
     forum for posting lists for the trade or exchange of duplicate,
     wanted or unwanted serials.
     (The list address is: serialst@uvmvm.uvm.edu ; to subscribe, send an
     e-mail message to:  listserv@uvmvm.uvm.edu   that reads:
     subscribe serialst [your name])

 Please send comments, updates, corrections to: the Back Issues &
 Exchange Services web developer (Birdie MacLennan <bmaclenn@moose.uvm.edu>).
 Last updated:  May 5, 1996.