ALA & Libraries: Feature on ABC World News Tonight (fwd) Christina Bellinger 01 May 1996 18:41 UTC

This message was forwarded to me, and I thought that others would be
interested.  Please excuse the duplication.
                Christina Bellinger
                University of New Hampshire

Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 11:19:00 -0500
From: Lois Ann Gregory-Wood <>
Subject: ABC World News Tonight -Forwarded

      Date:  04/30/1996  09:26 am  (Tuesday)
      From:  Peggy Barber
        To:  ALA-Chicago-Staff, Internet.Washington.ALA-Washington
   Subject:  ABC World News Tonight

ALA and libraries will be featured on ABC World News Tonight this
Thursday night--May 2nd.  The segment on libraries was initiated by ALA
when Betty Turock met with Peter Jennings several weeks ago.  It will
include the new business library of NYPL, the opening of the San
Francisco Public Library,  and Betty Turock will be interviewed with a
library school class at Rutgers and at the West Field (NJ) Public Library.
Please share this information with your members.   We're  encouraging
people to respond to ABC about the library coverage-  following the
broadcast (positive comments especially welcome)...the phone number
for World News Tonight is 212-456-4040.

[they may also have an email address announced at the end of the show]