Catholic World (Joanne Jahr) Ann Ercelawn 11 Apr 1996 13:41 UTC

Date: Thu, 11 Apr 1996 09:06:59 -0400 (EDT)
From: Joanne Jahr <jahr@READMORE.COM>
Subject: Catholic World

I had sent the message below to Gael Gillespie and, at her suggestion, I
am posting it to the list.

Joanne Jahr


Dear Ms. Gillespie:

I saw your reply on Serialst and thought you might like to know that
"Catholic World" did indeed cease.  I double checked and spoke with one
of the editors this morning.  As he told me, "it's been losing money for
50 years" and has always been subsidized by the Paulist Press.  They
finally decided they had to cut costs somewhere and that somewhere was
"Catholic World."

I mentioned to him that as there had been no announcement in the final
issue it had come as a shock to a number of people.  He said a press
release had been issued and that the Marketing Department sent a letter
to all subscribers offering reimbursement for unfilled subscriptions.

You can close your records with the January/February 1996 issue.


Joanne Jahr


Joanne Jahr, MLS                 voice: (212) 349-5540

Research Librarian               fax:   (212) 233-0746

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