Rebinding journals when complete Anne Frohlich 05 Apr 1996 15:22 UTC

At McNeese State University we have been binding periodicals incomplete in
order to keep from losing more issues while we wait for replacements.  When
we get the issues to complete the volume, we have then rebound it.  We
cannot afford microfilm.  We do not put unbound volumes in boxes on the
bound volumes shelves.

Some people on staff are objecting to our binding and then rebinding.  Do
any other libraries bind and then rebind when complete?  What do you think
of this or what are your solutions?

Anne Frohlich, Serials Librarian     PHONE 318/475-5741
Frazar Memorial Library                FAX 318/475-5719
McNeese State University             EMAIL
Box 91445
Lake Charles, LA 70609