MARC records for Serials (fwd) Meg Robinson Arnold 05 Apr 1996 15:16 UTC

Forwarded from Libsup-l -
And now for something completely different...

Our library will be getting a Serials module to allow for automated
serials checkin.  Problem is, it (GEAC Libs 100+) wants full
MARC records for our 600+ titles (we're currently making do with
partial records).  Our serials vendor, Turner, says it cannot
provide these records.  We've heard Ebsco supplies them, but can
we buy them without being a regular customer, or would we have
to change all our subscriptions over to them?  Has anyone else
encounterd this problem (i.e., need Serials MARC records in a
pinch) and found a solution?

P.S. This question might be more appropriate for the Serials listserv,
but I don't belong to it; if someone's willing to forward this
query to it, feel free (just don't all do it at once! :-).
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