Position Announcement, Univ. of Wisconsin-Platteville
Mary Wepking -- UW-Platteville Library 05 Apr 1996 00:17 UTC
Position Announcement: University of Wisconsi-Platteville
LIBRARIAN Cataloging Coordinator. Academic Staff Position. ALA
accredited MLS degree required. Knowledge of automated library
systems (KeyNOTIS preferred), MARC format, AACR2rev, LC and
DDC, authority records, and cataloging experience with OCLC
necessary. Duties: Coordinates Cataloging Dept. activities/staff.
Performs original and complex copy cataloging in all formats,
performs reference service including some evening/weekend hours,
and collection development/user instruction in selected academic
areas. Salary: Minimum $27,788 (12 months) depending on
qualifications and experience. Position available July 1996.
Screening will begin immediately. Application deadline: May 31,
1996. Send letter of application, resume, and three references to
Mary Wepking, Chair Search and Screen Committee, Elton S.
Karrmann Library, University of Wisconsin-Platteville, 1 University
Plaza, Platteville, WI 53818-3099. Telephone: (608) 342-1647.
E-Mail: wepking@uwplatt.edu. Affirmative action/equal opportunity
employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. The
names of nominees and applicants who have not requested in
writing that their identity be kept confidential, and of all
finalists, will be released upon request.