Periodical Use Studies on NOTIS Mildred H. Merz 30 Apr 1996 17:09 UTC

Are there any libraries that are doing periodical use studies using the
NOTIS system?  We currently barcode our periodicals when they are sent to
the bindery and create linked item records.  Our periodicals do not
circulate.  We are considering "wanding" bound volumes before they are
reshelved after patron use.  We know this results in "browses" being
recorded on the item recod for this volume.  Have you developed
management reports that present this "use data" in a useful form--
including number of uses per volume per year, fund code, etc?  The
Circ. "QuikReport" #11--"Most Popular Titles Browsed"--seems to be of
potential use if a few other factors could be included--such as the
"enum/chron" from the item record, the fund code and cost from the order
payment record.  Has anyone successfully modified this "QuikReport"?  On
a slightly different matter relating to such a use study--Is it possible
to use a portable carcode reader and download date to NOTIS?--

Mildred H. Merz
Kresge Library                      Internet:
Oakland University                     Phone:  810-370-2457  (Office)
Rochester,  MI 48309-4401                FAX:  810-370-2458