Re: Broadcasting and Cable Danielle Argov 29 Apr 1996 17:13 UTC

Our solution is to bind these big format issues separately in a soft binding.
If you received other solutions, I would be interested to know.

Danielle Argov, Periodicals Department
Bloomfield Library for Humanities and Social Sciences
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus
Jerusalem 91905  Israel
tel: 972-2-882122  fax: 972-2-322435
>       Our Library has recently subscribed to Broadcasting and Cable.  As we
> readied the first three months for the bindery we realized that two of the
> issues are folio size while all the others are 81/2 x11.  After talking to
> colleagues at other local libraries I find that this format occurs every
> year, sometimes even twice in one year.  These libraries either hold the
> issues in boxes for one year only or subscribe to microfilm for this title.
> Does anyone have any experience binding this title?  If so, how have you
> handled the variation in size?  Thanks for any advice you can give me.
> Julie O'Shea
> Serials Coordinator
> D'Alzon Library
> Assumption College
> Worcester, MA  01615-0005
> 508-767-7137 (tel.)
> 508-767-7374 (fax.)