Re: Virtual Holdings Henri Krafft 22 Apr 1996 16:16 UTC

At the University Library of Groningen we have 2 kind of
electronic serial publications:
The serial publications on diskette and CD-ROM and those what
we called online resources.
The latter are WWW full-text serial publications.

The serial publications on CD-ROM and diskette are catalogued
like the traditional print serial publications.
Because most of these publications are cumulative editions, a
short notice like: "only last cumulative update available" is
sufficiently. Depending on users licence agreement, these
publications could be consulted on stand-alone PC's or on a
webserver (such as an ERL server) for local access only.

As far as the online resources at the Internet, for the time
being we catalogue only serials or bulletins which are publis-
hed free of charge and some serials or journals which are
published by the University of Groningen. There are also
intentions in the near future to make commercial Web
mazines accessible to our users.

The online resources are not provided with holdings, because
it depends on the information of the publisher, such as which
previous editions, volume or number are being kept in their

In the bibliographic description we have the possibility to
make a link by means of the URL to the the homepage of the
online resource. This URL could be seen in hypertext in our
web-OPAC, so by clicking on it, the user could see the full-
text publication.

* H.W.A. Krafft                                                  *
* University Library of Groningen                                *
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*   Broerstraat 4                                                *
*   9712 CP Groningen                                            *
*   The Netherlands                                              *
*   Postbox 559                                                  *
*   9700 AN Groningen                                            *
*       ---------                                                *
*   Phone:    31-50-3635043                                      *
*   Fax:      31-50-3634996                                      *
*   E-Mail:                             *
*             Hwa.Krafft@net.HCC.NL                              *
*   Homepage:            *