Re: Vendor Discounts (3 messages) Ann Ercelawn 19 Apr 1996 20:33 UTC

3 messages:

Date: Fri, 19 Apr 1996 09:31:55 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Vendor Discounts (Maggie Hite)
In-reply-to: "18 Apr 1996 16:38:01 -0500 from" <"ERCELAA"@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu>
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Another point of view....while I agree that the service charge/discount
on one title has no real value to another librarian, I would suggest
that Maggie need not feel guilty that she did not want to reveal
the service charge she negotiated with her vendor.  I think disclosing
such information is a personal decision, since as others have pointed
out, my service charge really has no bearing on your service charge.
Each library's mix of titles (and other factors, such as early
payment) determines the service charge.

I would be reluctant to broadcast my service charge with a particular
vendor to all of library land, and would repect someone else's
decision to keep such information confidential.



Susan Davis                           BITNET: UNLSDB@UBVM
Head, Periodicals                   INTERNET: UNLSDB@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU
Central Technical Services             PHONE: (716) 645-2784
Lockwood Library Bldg.                   FAX: (716) 645-5955
State University of NY at Buffalo
BUFFALO, NY  14260-2200
**The views expressed are my own and do not necessarily reflect those
of my institution.**


Date: Fri, 19 Apr 1996 10:37:52 -0400
From: Barbara Eastland <eastland@MAX.MUHLBERG.EDU>
Subject: Re: Vendor Discounts

        In regards to the ethical nature of revealing vendor discounts, I
feel very strongly that we should NOT reveal this information to other
libraries.  The vendor, as someone stated earlier, has negotiated this
discount with a single library based on a number of factors that are
peculiar to that single institution.  The vendor's pricing flexibility is
due in part to the confidentiality of the negotiations.  If everyone
knows everyone else's precise discount, the vendor at some point will
be forced to eliminate the variances, resulting in a standard fee per
thousands of dollars, and there goes any financial gain a tight serials
budget needs!
        Every serials/acqusitions person knows what is a "good" discount
for them and what isn't.  Every serials/acq. person can dicker with
his/her vendor to get a little better deal.  For us to go to our vendors
and say that library X is getting such and such discount and library Y is
getting thus and so discount places all of us in jeopardy.  I also
believe that this kind of behavior is just not right.  We are, after all,
not price shopping for a single magazine or car.
        If we don't like the discount we're getting, we can always talk
to another vendor.  This approach worked extremely well for us.

Barb Eastland, serials
Muhlenberg College
Allentown  PA


Date: Fri, 19 Apr 1996 09:40:43 -0500
From: Betty Murr <bmurr01@MAIL.WIN.ORG>
Subject: Re: Vendor Discounts (Maggie Hite)

>Should you make vendor discounts readily available or known to others?...

Yes.  At least in a public institution I feel the information is public
record and accessible to anyone who inquires.  It is public information.
What do you think?
Betty Murr, Deputy Director                    voice:  314-441-2300
St. Charles City-Co. Library District          fax:    314-441-3132
St. Peters, Mo 63367                           email: