Re: Bird Behavior (E. Gaele Gillespie) Ann Ercelawn 19 Apr 1996 13:27 UTC

Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 21:46:55 -0500 (CDT)
From: "E. Gaele Gillespie" <GGILLESP@UKANVM.BITNET>
Subject: Bird Behavior

In response to Laura Vogler's inquiry about the title, Bird Behavior,
and its publisher:

In reviewing our records, we are still awaiting Vol. 11, no. 1 (1995). The
last issue we received was Vol. 10, no. 1/4 (1994) which we rec'd 6/4/95.
As of 3/1/96 we updated our publisher information to reflect:
       Cognizant Communication Corp.
       3 Hartsdale Rd.
       Elmsford, NY   10523-3701

       Phone: 914-592-7720 / 914-592-8981     -- I'm now wondering if the
914 area code is accurate...and if this is the same address/phone you and
your vendor have on file and tried to contact, Laura?

I've alerted our vendor account rep, so when I get a response I'll post it
to the list.

E. Gaele Gillespie / Serials Librarian / Univ of KS Libraries
Internet:  Phone: 913-864-3535