Re: Vendor Discounts (2 messages)
Ann Ercelawn 19 Apr 1996 13:21 UTC
2 messages:
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 17:03:18 -0500 (EST)
From: Suzanne Druehl <>
Subject: Re: Vendor Discounts (Maggie Hite)
I don't see a problem with revealing the discount. The problem is
that the price of one journal should not determine the selection of a
vendor. Vendors negotiate discounts based on the client's entire
list and not just one title.
> Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 16:31:06 +0400
> From: Maggie Hite <maghite@EMAIL.UNC.EDU>
> Subject: vendor discount question
> Librarians and Vendors,
> Am I making a big deal out of nothing? I had a person call from
> another library. He was deciding which vendor to transfer a journal to.
> He asked who our vendor was and what price we were paying for that
> title. I felt it was probably unethical to tell him what our discount
> was with that vendor. I asked him for his name and said I'd get back to
> him.
> On the one hand, the library community definately needs to
> communicate more on prices and serials pricing issues. But on the other
> hand, do I have a responsibility to our vendor to NOT make public our
> privately negotiated discount? I'd really like to hear from librarians
> and vendors on this.
> Please note that if this wasn't about vendors and their
> discounts I'd obviously have helped him with the price from the
> publisher, subscription address, etc.
> Thanks, Maggie
> ********* FREE THE BOUND PERIODICALS**************
> Maggie Hite EMAIL
> Public Services Coordinator PHONE 919/962-1067
> Serials Department, CB#3938 FAX 919/962-4450
> Davis Library, UNC-CH
> Chapel Hill, NC 27514-8890
Suzanne Druehl Allen County Public Library
Acquisitions Services Manager PO Box 2270
219-424-7241 ext 2236 900 Webster St.
219-422-9688 fax Ft. Wayne IN 46801-2270
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 1996 08:58:23 -0400
From: Scott Wicks <sbw2@CORNELL.EDU>
Subject: Re: Vendor Discounts (Maggie Hite)
While I see no ethical issue with your disclosure of the discount/service
charge arrangements you have with your vendors, such data is irrelevent to
your colleague. What I pay as a service charge or receive as a discount is
dependent on my mix of orders.
A more relevant issue your colleague may wish to explore with you is
quality of service. Discounts and service charges are only as good as the
service accompanying them.
My $0.02.
PS: Spring has finally arrived in upstate New York...well, for today, anyway.
Scott B. Wicks ***
Acquisitions Librarian ***
Cornell University Library ***
110A Olin Library ***
Ithaca, NY ***
14853-5301 ***
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