NIT Conference Publications (Barbara Rauch) Ann Ercelawn 18 Apr 1996 21:48 UTC

Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 16:24:59 GMT+1200
From: Barbara Rauch <BRAUCH@CENTRE.AIT.AC.NZ>
Subject: NIT Conference

Dear Serialst

I am trying to find out where I can get hold of a copy of the
International Conference Proceedings of N.I.T., New Information
Technology: for Library and Information Professionals
educational media specialists & technologists .

The latest one we have was for 1992 which was held at the Hong
Kong University of Science and Technology.
The editor was Dr Ching-chih Chen of Simmons College, Boston.

Conferences move around the globe - as is there nature.
Does anyone know if there has been a later conference?
Do you perhaps have a copy and could pass on the publisher details?
Barbara Rauch, Serials-Acquisitions
Auckland Institute of Technology Library
Private Bag 92006           
Auckland, New Zealand                 Ph:(09)307 9999 Fx:(09)307 9977
xxxxxxx Change is inevitable - except from a vending machine xxxxxxx