"Florensia"- Italian journal (Kira Haimovsky)
Ann Ercelawn 18 Apr 1996 21:36 UTC
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 16:08:30 -0400
Subject: "Florensia"-Italian journal
Does anybody on the list subscribe to FLORENSIA (published by Centro
Internazionale di Studi Gioachimiti in San Giovanni in Fiore, Italy)?
Since 1994 we trying to communicate with them, but so far we have not
received any issues or response about status of our subscription.
Maybe the address is wrong, or the journal is not published.
Could someone help in this matter.
My e-mail address is: "ul_haimovsky@rhoda.fordham.edu"
Kira Haimovsky
Head of Serials department
Fordham University Library
New York