Re: Virtual Holdings (Judi Shaffer) Ann Ercelawn 18 Apr 1996 19:01 UTC

Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 13:14:39 -0500
From: Judi Shaffer <shafferj@EMAIL.UAH.EDU>
Subject: Re: Virtual Holdings (Charles Oates)

Here at the University of Alabama in Huntsville we provide of patrons with
access to several full text sources by the internet and by CD-ROM over
the LAN.  We do not put these titles into our catalog but do provide a
separate searchable list of all journal titles - ours, online, and CD-ROM
that we have access to in "full text" (though as we all know, there is
full text and there is full text! ;)  )

Judi Shaffer
Head of Serials and Document Delivery
University of Alabama in Huntsville