Faxon Response re. Faxon Source Invoicing Questions (Susan Hillson) Ann Ercelawn 17 Apr 1996 21:51 UTC

Date: Wed, 17 Apr 1996 16:33:20 -0400
From: Susan Hillson <HILLSONS@FAXON.COM>
Subject: Re: Faxon Source Invoicing Questions

Response to Serialst Questions on Source Invoicing

Faxon is in the process of completing implementation of a new business system
called Faxon Source.  This system has been in development for over five years
and offers many efficiencies in the way we conduct business.  As a result of
Source implementation the general invoice format and graphics have changed.
However, the basic structure and sorting capabilities are still the same as in
our former system.

As with most new systems, Source is evolving and changing.  As clients bring
problems to light, especially with regard to invoices, we have made adjustments
and changes.  We invite clients to communicate suggestions for enhancements by
calling our Technical Support Group at 1-800-753-2966.

*Credits and Debits
Based on client feedback, we have already added a detailed explanation with
every credit and debit.

*Invoice Options
There is a large list of invoice options available through Faxon Source.  We
invite clients who need to know more about these options and sorting
capabilities to call us.  The system was designed for flexibility.

*Postage and Handling
In the past, agencies have bundled publisher postage and handling charges into
the price.  Source allows us to break out these charges.  Clients will be able
to choose to see these publisher charges individually, or have them bundled
into one price for the serial, as before.

We continue to refine Faxon Source and encourage the flow of feedback from our
clients.  We have established a ListServ devoted to online users of Faxon
Source Online, the client user interface.  We invite all  Faxon clients to
speak with their Field Service Representative to learn more about using Source
and its reporting options.

The Faxon Company