European Jrnl of Radiology inquiry (Paula Lynch) Marcia Tuttle 18 Mar 1996 13:17 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 1996 18:04:11 -0500
From: Paula Lynch <lynch1@JEFLIN.TJU.EDU>
Subject: European Jrnl of Radiology inquiry


I am interested in finding out if any of you who have received EUROPEAN
JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY vol.22 #0 (October 1995) -- that issue number again is
"zero" -- have actually checked it in as a "legitimate" issue of volume 22.

The issue in question does have an article in it, so I have checked both
CC-Clinical Medicine and Medline.  Neither of the databases show the issue,
however this could be 'cause they're a little behind though.

Please send your replies directly to me.

Thanks for any assistance,

Paula M. Lynch, MSLS                    email:
Collection Managment Librarian  
Scott Memorial Library                  phone:
Thomas Jefferson University               (215) 955-8406
1020 Walnut St.
Philadelphia, PA  10107-5587
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