---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Thu, 14 Mar 1996 10:13:06 +0500 From: BARBARA WINTERS <BWINTERS@LIBRARY.WRIGHT.EDU> Subject: One more chance.... A few more spots remain for the Texas Library Association/ALCTS Fundamentals of Acquisitions Institute to be held in Houston April 23, 1996. ****************************************************** Fundamentals of Acquisitions Institute Preconference to the Texas Library Association Annual Meeting in Houston April 23, 1996 Presented by the Acquisitions Section Association for Library Collections & Technical Services A Division of the American Library Association Co-sponsored by the TLA Acquisitions Roundtable ********************************************************************* This institute focuses on what you need to know about the basics of acquiring monographs and serials: goals and methods; financial management of materials budgets; trends in acquisitions management; and relationships among acquisitions librarians, library booksellers, subscription agents, and publishers. AUDIENCE: Sessions are tailored to librarians and paraprofessionals new to the acquisitions field, but seasoned librarians will also find the institute useful as a refresher course. Presentations are geared to cover issues of interest to staff in all types of libraries. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: Through speaker presentations, case studies, and role play, participants will receive a broad overview of the operations involved in acquiring materials after the selection decision is made. This institute will --discuss methods and strategies for acquiring different types of library materials, both domestic and foreign, and in various media introduce financial management and fiscal procedures related to library materials acquisitions --offer an overview of publishing operations that have an impact on library acquisitions --look at the trends which affect the way acquisitions is done in the library--outsourcing, organizational and staffing changes, electronic publishing among them FACULTY: Carol Pitts Diedrichs and Trisha L. Davis, both of The Ohio State University Libraries. Diedrichs is head of OSU's Acquisition Department, as well as editor-in-chief of Library Acquisitions: Practice & Theory, and Davis is head of OSU's Continuation Acquisition Division. HOUSING AND TRANSPORTATION: A block of rooms is available at the Hyatt Regency Downtown, Houston. You may take advantage of the Texas Library Association's discounted hotel and airfares by calling the TLA travel desk at 800-355-8093. The housing deadline is March 26, 1996. FEES AND REGISTRATION: Registration fees for ALCTS and TLA members $85; for ALA members $135; and for non-members $185. Fees include curriculum materials and two refreshment breaks. PROGRAM OUTLINE: 8:00-8:30 Registration 8:30-9:00 Introduction/Goals/Professional Resources The goals of acquisitions services and how to tell when you've reached them 9:00-10:00 Methods/Basic Functions Approval, firm orders, standing orders, and other methods of acquisition, and an overview of the basic functions 10:00-10:30 Break 10:30-11:30 Acquisitions Management Policy setting, personnel management, the role of the acquisitions department within the library 11:30-12:30 Vendors/Licensing Vendor selection and performance, contracts and licensing 12:30-1:30 Lunch on your own 1:30-2:00 Ethics Guidelines for professional ethics 2:00-3:00 Budget/Finance Budgets, pricing, fiscal management 3:00-3:30 Break 3:30-4:00 Accounting Basic principles and reports 4:00-4:30 Trends Electronic publishing, outsourcing of operations, new functions and organizational models, access and ownership REGISTRATION Registration Form (4577) Association for Library Collections & Technical Services Fundamentals of Acquisitions Institute April 23, 1996, Hyatt Regency Downtown, Houston, Texas You may register by phone, fax, e-mail, or mail. Deadline is April 9, 1996, or when filled. Mail: Complete this page and mail it with payment to: Fundamentals of Acquisitions Institute, ALCTS/ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. Fax: Complete this page and fax with payment information to 312-280-3257. Phone: Call LaTisha Reynolds at 800-545-2433, ext 5035 to register. E-Mail: Send registration information to LaTisha Reynolds at alcts@ala.org (credit card or purchase order only). Check, money order, governmental purchase order, or credit card charge must accompany registration to reserve space at the institute. If you join ALA/ALCTS now you can register for the institute at the member rate! Membership registration: __ Add ALCTS to my ALA membership $45 (ALA membership number____________________) __ First time membership in ALA ($38) and ALCTS ($45) $83 __ Regular renewing membership in ALA ($75) and ALCTS ($45) $120 Institute registration: Please reserve my space for the Fundamentals of Acquisitions Institute. __ ALCTS/TLA Personal Member $85 __ ALA Personal Member $130 __ Non-ALA Member $185 (Staff members of organizational members cannot be considered personal members.) __ Check or Money Order __ Governmental Purchase Order __ VISA __ Master Card __ American Express Card number________________________________________ Exp date _________ Signature (required for all charges) Name (as it should appear on badge) ____________________________ Title ____________________________________________________ Organization Name (as it should appear on badge) __________________ Organization address ________________________________________ City ______________________ State _____ Zip ________ Preferred mailing address City _____________________ State _____ Zip ________ Telephone (Office) ( ) ________________________ (Home) ( ) ________________________ E-Mail Address ______________________________________________ ALA Membership Number _______________________________________ Registration will be accepted in order of receipt for up to the maximum of 100 people, and must be received, faxed, or telephoned by April 9, 1996. Cancellations will be accepted if postmarked before April 9, 1996 (subject to a $25 processing fee). Refunds will be processed after May 1, 1996. ALCTS reserves the right to cancel the program if there is insufficient registration or for others reasons. Neither ALA nor ALCTS is responsible for cancellation charges assessed by airlines or travel agencies, or other losses incurred due to cancellation of the program. ********************************************************** Barbara Winters Interim University Librarian Wright State University Libraries Dayton, Ohio 45435 Phone: 513/873-2380 Fax: 513/873-4109 Internet: BWINTERS@LIBRARY.WRIGHT.EDU **********************************************************