Re: Volume Statistics (Joe Orth) Ann Ercelawn 11 Mar 1996 21:13 UTC

Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 11:53:54 -0500 (EST)
From: Joe Orth <JOrth@CK6.USCOURTS.GOV>
Subject: Re[2]: Volume Statistics (Naomi Fackler)

     I was recently asked to provide a volume count for our library as
     well.  We have no online system (no help there) and this is not
     something I've done in the past.  Can someone suggest one or two
     *basic* articles on the subject that I should use as a starting point
     on proceeding?  i.e. How to count fiche, including a microform backup
     of multi-volumed sets and serials, e.g. from 300 to 1000 volumes per
     set, but on not nearly so many fiche; etc.


     Joe Orth
     Technical Services Librarian
     6th Circuit Library for the U.S. Courts
     317 Potter Stewart U.S. Courthouse
     Cincinnati, Ohio  45202
     (513) 684-2678