DC Continuing Education from CAPCON (Julia Blixrud) Ann Ercelawn 05 Mar 1996 22:18 UTC

Date: Tue, 05 Mar 1996 16:58:12 -0500
From: Julia Blixrud <jblixrud@CAPCON.NET>
Subject: DC Continuing Education from CAPCON

Spring Continuing Education Opportunities

CAPCON Library Network is pleased to announce its Spring 1996 Continuing
Education program.  Nine workshops have been designed, covering a broad
range of topics, to offer opportunities for library and other information
organization staff in administration, systems, technical services, and reference
to update their knowledge and skills.  All classes will be conducted at
CAPCON's Training and Education Center in downtown Washington, D.C. by
nationally known instructors.

1.  CD-ROM: Access via LAN, WAN, and the Internet, Mar. 28; Howard
McQueen, McQueen & Associates, Inc. (formerly CD Consultants, Inc.)

Many organizations are looking for solutions to provide local and/or wide-
area network access to CD-ROMs.  This workshop will include design options
available to both those with currently established networks and those who are
planning and new network and will identify ways to make better-informed
buying decisions.

2.  Redesigning Work in a Changing Library Environment, Apr. 12; Maureen
Sullivan, Organizational Development Consultant

The technical and political changes in our organizations create an
environment that is difficult for library staff at all levels to balance the
demands of production and work satisfaction.  This workshop will introduce
participants to a simplified approach to the redesign of work and individual
jobs in library and information organizations.  It is intended especially for
managers and supervisors who are engaged in a redesign effort at the
department or organization-wide level.

3.  Positive Politics: Communication Strategies for Results, Apr. 18; Laura
Holbrook, Principal, Lazar Holbrook and Associates

The evolving realities of organizational downsizing, diminishing resources,
and change organizational structures require changes in how individuals
within the structure constructively influence the decision-makers.  This
workshop will explore how positive politics and an awareness of
communication styles can enhance an individual's effectiveness.

4.  Managing Electronic Serials in the Library, Apr. 23; Marilyn Geller,
Internet Product Specialist, Readmore, Inc.

Back by popular demand, this workshop will address the variety of issues
related to the identification, selection, acquisition, processing and providing
access to the vast array of electronic journals now available on the Internet.

5.  Making Presentations Work:  Techniques, Tips & Tools, Apr. 30; Michael
Kaplan, Head, Database Management, Harvard College Library, and Julia C.
Blixrud, Director of Training and Education, CAPCON Library Network

The explosion of Internet as the hot, new information tool and the increased
emphasis on lifelong learning have created new demands for those who teach
and make presentations.  This workshop will help novice and experienced
presenters prepare an effective presentation and will provide those attending
with a hands-on look at the equipment commonly available today.

6.  Client/Server: Options for Small and Large Libraries, May 3; Richard W.
Boss, Senior Consultant, Information Systems Consultants, Inc.

The state-of-the-art in library automation today is the client/server approach.
It refers to either the architecture of a single system or the basis for linking
one system to another.  This workshop will examine the library automation
landscape and suggest strategies for institutions to move into a client/server

7.  Strategically Planning Reference Services in an Electronic Environment, May
15; Eileen G. Abels, College of Library and Information Services, University
of Maryland at College Park, and Danuta A. Nitecki, Libraries, University of
Maryland at College Park

The array of electronic options available to libraries today complicates the
effective delivery of reference services.  This interactive workshop will
demonstrate how strategic planning applies to reference services and will
provide participants with the opportunity to consider their own strategic goals
and objectives.

8.  Cataloging Internet Resources, May 17; Greta de Groat, Database Quality
Section, WLN, and Steve Shadle, Serials Cataloger, University of Washington

This workshop could be entitled, "Creating Order Out of Chaos."  The
instructors will provide an overview of the types of Internet resources being
added to library catalogs, review and discuss with participants the cataloging
rules used to describe and provide access to Internet resources, and provide
opportunity for some practical cataloging experience.

9.  Making Your Information Resources Accessible via Internet Technologies,
June 3; Howard McQueen, McQueen & Associates, Inc. (formerly CD
Consultants, Inc.)

This workshop is for the information provider or the information professional
who needs to gain an in-depth understanding of how to implement "private"
Internet technologies to support publishing, indexing, and electronic
distribution initiatives internally; or who are working to develop a quality
presence on the Net for the purpose of disseminating information to
customers, subscribers, members, or the Internet community as a whole.

For a faxed copy of our full brochure and registration form, send your name
and fax no. to workshop@capcon.net (Internet) 202.331.4368 (telephone) fax
202.331.4369 (fax).

To learn more about our training and education opportunities, visit
CAPCON's homepage at http://www.capcon.net

Julia C. Blixrud                        jblixrud@capcon.net
Director of Training and Education      tel: 202-331-4368 (direct)
CAPCON Library Network                  tel: 202-331-5771 (office)
1320 19th Street, NW, Suite 400         fax: 202-331-4369
Washington, DC 20036-1679