Re: New Leader Geraldine H. Wescott 05 Mar 1996 01:14 UTC


I wrote the publishers and got this answer:


We did not publish an issue in Nov.  Issue#9 which will be dated
Dec.4,1995 has not yeat been published.  It is a Special Issue and has
taken longer than anticipated to produce.  it will, howver, be coming out


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
*  Gerre Wescott-Periodicals Technician       <>    *
*  Lycoming College                           voice - 717-321-4089      *
*  Snowden Library                            fax   - 717-321-4090      *
*  700 College Place                          campus box #141           *
*  Williamsport PA 17701-5192                 "Dux femina facti"        *
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On Mon, 4 Mar 1996, Jeanette Skwor wrote:

> The last issue of The New Leader we received was vol. 78 #8 (Oct. 23, 1995)
> on December 19th.  Has anyone received later issues? ....