This has been posted to several lists. Please excuse the duplication.
The CONSER (Cooperative Online Serials) Program is pleased to
announce its new World-Wide Web site:
The Program's online newsletter, _CONSERline_, is now also
available on the Web:
Along with the creation of these home pages, _CONSERline_
issues for 1996 are now available in HTML format via the World-
Wide Web. Issues for 1994-1995 can be accessed via the
_CONSERline_ home page which links to back issues on the gopher
server, LC MARVEL. We will continue to publish _CONSERline_ in
ASCII format and distribute issues via email through listserv
software, in addition to making the HTML version available on
New listserv software was recently put in place for the
newsletter and we have asked all subscribers to resubscribe
following these instructions:
Mail to:
The message: SUBSCRIBE CONSRLIN Firstname Lastname
On the CONSER Program home page you'll also find general
information about the program, the current _Annual Report_, and
documents on serials cataloging issues in HTML format. Updated
guidelines for cataloging remote access serials (e.g., electronic
journals) are available via the home page. New CONSER record
requirements, including the seven new core records for special
format serials, are included as well.
The program home page includes links to catalogs available on the
Internet, serials collections online, and other Internet
cataloging services. The final section lists email addresses for
asking questions or identifying problems relating to serials
cataloging or CONSER records. The "mailto" link is included here
to automatically generate email messages provided your Web
browser can accommodate.
Additional information and links are planned as well, including a
section on CONSER Task Forces with information about all active
efforts. More links to catalogs available on the Internet are
also planned as we are able to support a more focused approach
with more direct links to individual catalogs.
We hope you'll enjoy your visit to CONSER on the Web and we
welcome suggestions of additional information or links. Please
email your comments to
Bill Anderson
CONSER Specialist
Library of Congress