Re: Smiling thru clenched teeth / Annals of Statistics Eva Tesaker 01 Mar 1996 15:10 UTC

It looks as though the frequency has been changed to bi-monthly in 1995, but
they forgot to change the "Published quarterly".  I wonder what they will do
in 1996?

Eva Tesaker
Eva Tesaker, Fakultetsbiblioteket SV
Periodicals Department
Social Science Library,Univ. of Oslo
P.O. Box 1098, Blindern
0317 Oslo, Norway
Tel. +47 22 85 53 19
Fax  +47 22 85 71 69
Jeanette Skwor wrote:

>A blurb from an issue crossing my desk today:
>(Title) "Volume 23, Number 5, October 1995.  Published quarterly by ..."
>And the title/publisher?
>The Annals of Statistics/Institute of Mathematical Statistics.
>Guess it's really true what 8th-grade-educated, farmer dad told me,
>"Sometimes people get all the common sense educated out of them."
>Or is this the "new" new math?
>:-)  Jeanette Skwor
>Still smiling
>(but the teeth are starting to clench). . .
>PS: Goes without saying, perhaps, but anyone with any ideas about what to
>do with it or how many "quarters" there are actually going to be from now