Faxon Mlinx question Tim Lawrence 13 Feb 1996 18:20 UTC

Faxon Mlinx users:

Have any of you encountered the following problem with your claims process?
My claims extract pulls claims for many titles that it should not,
including DEAD and CANC titles. In fact, Library Status, Publication
Status, and the dates corresponding to these statuses all seem to be
irrelevent. Even the removal of prediction information does not stop
claims. When reviewing claims I often encounter line after line of
"v,no." claims without numbers. This is my first claims report, as I am
new in this position, be at least two of my predecessors have encountered
the same trouble. I have communicated with Faxon, and will again, but I
just wanted to see if other Mlinx users have come across this.

Tim Lawrence                              lawrencet@nku.edu
Serials Assistant
Northern Kentucky University
Steely Library