August 1995 GERONTOLOGIST Jeanette Skwor 13 Feb 1996 18:18 UTC

It's just been called to my attention that our Aug. 1995 (vol. 35 #4)
issue of The Gerontologist is defective.   The first page after the table
of contents is 436 (continuous pagination) & follows thusly:
    pp. 436 - 464
    another cover page & table of contents
    pp. 436 - 464 again
    pp. 497 - 576 (end).

In other words, we have two sets of pp. 436 -464 and none of 464 - 497.

Are all issues bound the same way?  Has anyone dealt with this/ are
correctly bound issues available from the publisher?  Or does anyone have a
correct copy from which they can photocopy us the needed pages?

I'm putting it over Serialst first because we've had a patron request for
the rest of the article that begins on p. 463 (Activity Participation and
Well-being Among Older People with Arthritis).

Thanks for any answers--

Jeanette Skwor