Physics and Chemistry of the Earth -request for info. Kay Teel 07 Feb 1996 23:41 UTC

Pardon this cataloging question, but I'm hoping someone will know
what's going on with the title _Physics and Chemistry of the
Earth_ (pub. Pergamon; ISSN 0079-1946).  Our records show that this
title used to be irregular, published infrequently (roughly annual),
came bound, and each volume was analyzed.  I have Vol. 20, no. 3/4
(Jun-Aug 1995) on my desk, and it seems like it has changed into a
paperbound, bimonthly(?) journal.  There is no distinct, collective
title on the issue.  The changes seem to be with vol. 20, but we have
not yet received vol. 20, no. 1/2, so if there was a note explaining
the changes in there, we missed it.

So, if anyone can help: Has this publication really changed to become
more "journalish" than monographic (dropping of distinctive titles,
etc.)?    And is it now a bimonthly publication?

Thanks for any help, and you may reply to me directly,
[replies to the list also welcome.  -ed.]

--Kay Teel
  Serials Cataloger
  Elmer Holmes Bobst Library,
  New York University