Table of Contents: SERIALS REVIEW 21:3, 1995 Cindy Hepfer 27 Feb 1996 21:33 UTC

                                   SERIALS REVIEW
                           Volume 21, Number 3 (Fall 1995)

Serials for the Farm Family of 80 Years Ago
Norma J. Bruce

        This article provides an overview of the 70 popular magazines,
trade periodicals and newspapers read in an Illinois farm home during
the first half of the 20th century.  The focus is on 18 farm journals
used in the family's day-to-day activities.  Each farming title is
summarized for content, style, and utility with bibliographic
information and selected sources.  Page 1-22

Health-Related Newsletters
Frederic M. Messick

        The field of health-related newsletters is expanding.  Those
discussed in this article are produced by nonprofit organizations and
reach a sizable audience of well educated lay readers, especially
elderly women.  They offer both succinct summaries of the latest
medical and health care news with information taken mostly from major
professional journals and longer articles providing a current
consensus of the experts on particular topics.  Health-related
newsletters fill a gap between mass circulation magazines and
scholarly periodicals and provide the public with reliable health
information on a timely basis.  Page 23-31

Electronic Data Interchange: Dartmouth + Faxon + Innopac + SISAC + X12
= Serials Claims Pilot Project
Joan Griffith

        This paper describes a pilot serials claims project which
incorporates new technology into an existing integrated library
system.  Dartmouth College Library, Innovative Interfaces, Inc. and
the Faxon Company collaborated to develop electronic serial claiming
that changed the claim process of our integrated library system from
paper to an electronic format, thereby improving systems capabilities
and revolutionizing the way business is done between libraries,
subscription agents, and eventually, publishers.  Page 33-45

Index Medicus Price Study: Publishing Trends from 1991-1995
Lynn M. Fortney and Victor A. Basile

        This fifth edition of the Index Medicus Price Study examines
biomedical journal publishing trends over a five-year period
(1991-1995) and analyzes these trends by subject category and country
of publication.  Its purpose is to provide librarians with information
about inflationary trends within specific disciplines and enable them
to educate their constituents about the financial requirements
necessary to support the various medical specialties.  Page 47-74

Electronic Journal Forum.  Project Muse: A Partnership of Interest
Donnice Cochenour

        Past columns have focused on the electronic journal defined as
one available only in electronic format and usually distributed
without charge over the Internet, as opposed to the commercially
produced online journal, which maintains an electronic existence
parallel to a print counterpart.  This column will describe a hybrid
of these two.  Todd D. Kelley, Librarian for Information Technology
Initiatives at Milton S. Eisenhower Library, Johns Hopkins University,
discusses the goals, challenges and future plans of Project Muse, a
collaborative effort between a university press, a university library
and a university computer center.  Page 75-80

The Balance Point: Exchange Rates and the Serials Marketplace
Edited by Ellen Duranceau, with contributions by Knut Dorn, John Cox,
Harry Hoffer, Allen Powell, and James Mouw

        In this column, five writers who represent various segments of
the serials information chain shed light on the at times vexingly
complex topic of exchange rates and their role in the serials
marketplace.  Page 83-96

Tools of the Serials Trade
Edited by Teresa Malinowski, with contributions from Mark Braden,
Constance Foster, Ron Rodriguez, and James Shaw

        Mark Braden reviews Introduction to Automation for Librarians,
Constance Foster reviews Collection Management and Development: Issues
in an Electronic Era, Ron Rodriguez reviews Diversity and
Multiculturalism in Libraries, and James Shaw reviews the INTERNET
Troubleshooter.  Page 99-105

Serials Spoken Here: Reports of Conferences, Institutes and Seminars
Susan Davis, with contributions by Roger L. Presley, Alison S. Roth,
William Fietzer, and Jean S. Decker

        This column features reports from four recent events: The ACRL
Journals Costs in Academic Libraries Discussion Group session at ALA
Midwinter, the Technical Services Workstations Institute in Atlanta,
ACRL's Seventh Annual Conference in Pittsburgh, and the Serials
Cataloging Institute in Atlanta.  These four reports cover a variety
of topics: pricing and licensing, technology, workflow and cataloging,
which should be of interest to all serialists. Page 107-113
SERIALS REVIEW is published quarterly by JAI Press Inc. and edited by:

Cindy Hepfer
Health Sciences Library
Abbott Hall
State University of New York at Buffalo
3435 Main Street
Buffalo, NY 14214-3002
(716)829-2139; Fax: (716)829-2211