Be a presenter at ACRL's 1997 Conference in Nashvile Mary Ellen Davis 19 Feb 1996 20:12 UTC

              Association of College & Research Libraries

                       8th National Conference

                        "Choosing Our Futures"

               April 11-14, 1997, Nashville, Tennessee

ACRL is seeking quality presentations for its 8th National Conference. The
conference will explore the theme "Choosing Our Futures" and its five

 o partnerships and competition
 o changing work, roles, and organizations
 o funding
 o learning
 o social responsibility, equity, and diversity

Proposals for research papers, panel programs, poster sessions,
preconferences, and roundtable discussion topics are sought.

 o Contributed papers and panel sessions--July 1, 1996
 o Poster sessions--November 1, 1996
 o Roundtable sessions--January 6, 1997

To keep research timely decisions to accept papers will be made based on the
review of the abstract and completed proposal form.

The full text of the Call for Participation may be found:
 o as in insert in the January 1996 issue of College & Research Libraries News
 o at http://http://www/
 o at
 o at gopher://

Questions? Contact Mary Ellen Davis, Conference Manager, at the address and
e-mail below.
Mary Ellen K. Davis
Senior Associate Executive Director  ************
ACRL/ALA                             Note new e-mail address:
50 E. Huron St.                      After April 1 use
Chicago, IL 60611                    ************
312-280-2511; fax: 312-280-2520