Chemical Abstracts (Rolly Harwell) Marcia Tuttle 30 Jan 1996 21:01 UTC

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Date: Tue, 30 Jan 1996 12:58:37 EST
Subject: Chemical Abstracts

We've suddenly lost our free hand-me-down copies of Chemical Abstracts,
and are not anxious to suddenly start making inroads on our budget for
something we haven't provided for in years. We do have access through
dialog to the database which we provide free to our patrons.  This was a
compromise we made with the chemistry department when we decided not to
pick up the last quinquennial index. We search the database free and print
the citation which they then must look up in the abstracts for the
abstract itself. Now since losing our free copy of the abstracts our
agreement is to print the abstract free as well for those citations for
which the paper abstracts are not available.

Does anyone else out there have a similar arrangement with their chem
dept? Our chemistry program is accredited by the American Chemical
Society.  How would the society look upon a program that does not have
access to the printed copies of Chem Abstracts?  Is our online capability
(through a mediated search) sufficient for accreditation purposes?  I'd
appreciate a response from anyone out there with similar problem.

Rolly Harwell