Volume #'s for _Editor and Publisher_ (3 messages) Marcia Tuttle 26 Jan 1996 13:36 UTC

From: MJWEP@sbu.edu
Date:          Thu, 25 Jan 1996 15:56:05 EDT
Subject:       Re: volume #'s for Editor & Publisher (Beth Joress)

I sent an e-mail message to the publisher.

The response was  "the Typo"  will be corrected in susbsequent issues.
In other words the volume number for 1996 is v.29.

Isn't periodical check-in maintenance  fun ?!!!

Mary Jane Wepasnick                   Phone: 716-375-2345
Periodicals Assistant                 Email: mjwep@sbu.edu
Friedsam Memorial Library
St. Bonaventure, NY l4778

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 1996 11:41:05 -0500
From: Beth Joress <ECL_BDJ@FLO.ORG>
Subject: volume #'s for Editor & Publisher

Hi everyone,

I have a question about Editor & Publisher. We received 129:1 dated
1/6/96 and 129:2 dated 1/13/96. Then the volume jumped to 130:3 dated
1/20/96. What gives?

In general, how do you all check in items when the numbers are off?
Do you wait to see if the publisher corrects things, or check in
the expected issue, or check in as is, with a note?

Thank you!

Beth Joress
Emerson College Library

Date:         Thu, 25 Jan 1996 16:41:15 -0500
From: Jeanette Skwor <SKWORJ@GBMS01.UWGB.EDU>
Subject:      Re: volume #'s for Editor & Publisher (Beth Joress)

Ours went from vol. 128 #52 directly to vol. 130 #1.  The dates are the
same as yours.

Generally with odd things like this, I wait to see what the next issue is
numbered.  Sometimes it's just a fluke, and so--in this case--if the issue
after 130 #1 was 129 #2, I would've gone into the stacks and corrected the
actual physical issue to read v. 129 #1.  If two in a row are weird, I take
it that's the way they want it, or the poor things don't know any better.

Jeanette Skwor

Date: Thu, 25 Jan 1996 17:22:18 -0600 (CST)
From: Tracy Ruppman <truppma@orion.it.luc.edu>
Subject: Re: volume #'s for Editor & Publisher (Beth Joress)

My 1/13/96 is marked as v.130:no.2 not v.129.
My guess is that the first one was misnumbered.

*Tracy Ruppman                                The secret of life isn't in
*E.M. Cudahy Memorial Library                 what happens to you, but what
*Loyola University Chicago                    you do with what happens to
*truppma@orion.it.luc.edu                     you. --Norman Vincent Peale