ALCTS Comm. to Study Serials Cataloging Midwinter Agenda Joe Altimus 17 Jan 1996 19:27 UTC

                     Committee to Study Serials Cataloging
                              ALCTS/Serials Section

                               Monday, January 22
                                 2:00-4:00 p.m.

                     San Antonio Convention Center, Room 201


Introductions and announcements
CC:DA report (M. Horn)
MARBI report (J. Altimus, A. Ercelawn)
Report from LC by Maureen Landry
Planning for 1996 Annual Conference
Planning for 1997 Annual Conference
Discussion topic: What in AACR2r No Longer Works for Serials
  Cataloging? (facilitators: J. Altimus, M. Mering)*


*If you cannot attend the meeting, but would like to contribute your
ideas on the discussion topic, please send an e-mail message to Joe
Altimus at: