Latvia request - Thanks (fwd) Birdie MacLennan 16 Jan 1996 15:05 UTC

SERIALSTers, FYI.  --Birdie

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 13:59:00 -0500
From: Mara Saule <>
Subject: Latvia request

Hi, Birdie.  Thanks for posting my Latvia request to SERIALST.  I
received many, many interesting possibilities for translation in
series--ones that I would have never gotten otherwise.  I also got some
good pointers for my own recreational reading--if I ever find the time to
tear myself away from women's detective fiction!  Please extend my thanks
to the list for all those who took the time to respond. I'll let you know
what winds up appearing in "Santa." --Mara

  Mara R. Saule
  Vice Provost for Enrollment Mgmt. and
          International Activities                Tel: (802) 656-4400
  349 Waterman Building                           Fax: (802) 656-1363
  University of Vermont                     Email: MSAULE@MOOSE.UVM.EDU
  Burlington, Vermont 05405