SISAC News Honors Fritz Schwartz
Amira Aaron 09 Jan 1996 22:42 UTC
The Winter 1995/Spring 1996 issue of SISAC News (v.10, no.2) has just
been published. Issued by the Serials Industry Systems Advisory
Committee and edited by Cindy Hepfer, this publication contains important
articles on EDI, SISAC Bar Code Symbols, the Serial Item and Contribution
Identifier (SICI), and reports of other relevant standards and
subcommittee activities. In addition, this particular issue of the News
includes a section of moving tributes to Fritz Schwartz, late of the
Faxon Company, from several of his friends and colleagues. There is also
an announcement and rate card for the acceptance of advertising copy for
future issues of SISAC News.
Copies of this issue of SISAC News will be available at ALA Midwinter at
the following booths: Blackwell, Dawson, EBSCO, Faxon and Readmore. If
you will not be attending Midwinter and would like a complimentary copy
of the latest issue of the News, please call the SISAC office at
212-929-1393, or e-mail Sandy Paul at: