DOCDEL-L, New Document Delivery Listserver Tim Strickland 20 Dec 1995 23:49 UTC

Just in time for the holidays:

A new moderated listserv, DOCDEL-L,  has been created to promote discussion
of the exciting world of document delivery.  Topics to be covered will
include pricing concerns, document delivery and the academic library, the
various providers, and the future of document delivery.

To sign up to this list:
1) address email to LISTPROC@WWW.EBSCODOC.COM
2) leave the subject line blank
3) in the body of the message write:

It's so easy and a great stocking stuffer.

For further information, contact:

Tim Strickland
List Manager, DOCDEL-L

DOCDEL-L is managed by EBSCOdoc.
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