Reply re: Miscellanea Musicologia Alfred Gans 14 Dec 1995 03:06 UTC

Judy L. Johnson wrote:
>        I'm trying to obtain information about the publisher for
>_Miscellanea Musicologia_?  Is the title still active; and if so, what is
>the latest issue published and what is the current address of the publisher?

Yes. MISCELLANEA MUSICOLOGICA is still active. Volume 17 was released in August
1993. The acting general editor and associate editor is
                Dr Margaret Bakker
                Visiting Research Fellow
                Department of Music
                Faculty of Performing Arts
                The University of Adelaide
                ADELAIDE SA AUSTRALIA 5005

We have been told that Dr.Bakker is away for three months and no date has been
set for Volume 18.

Vol.18 is devoted to articles on Wagner's Tristan und Isolde to be published in
memory of the late Professor Peter Dennison, Professor of Music at the
University of Melbourne.

Alfred GANS           
Managing Director               Telephone +61-7 3371 7500
ISA Australia                   Facsimile +61-7 3371 5566
Subscription Agents
PO Box 709