Re: CNN poll on digital libraries Wendy Hope Riedel 11 Dec 1995 23:58 UTC

On Mon, 11 Dec 1995, L. Hunter Kevil wrote:

> Sunday evening CNN apparently aired a story about one of their polls
> showing that 91% or 93% of Americans felt that digital libraries would
> never replace our traditional paper-based ones.
> Is someone able to supply more details, or suggest a way to get the
> exact information from a Web site or similar source?

Try CNN Interactive ( in about a week, probably in the
Technology stories section. There seems to be a lag of about that long in
getting full story transcripts.

* Wendy Riedel                          * Voice:    202-707-6089          *
* Senior Automation Planning Specialist *                                 *
* Automation Planning & Liaison Office  * Fax:      202-707-2756          *
* Library of Congress                   *                                 *
* Washington, DC 20540-4101             * INTERNET:          *