Re: Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences (4 messages) Birdie MacLennan 08 Dec 1995 22:00 UTC

5 messages, 83 lines:

Date:         Thu, 7 Dec 1995 16:06:41 -0700
From:         Elizabeth Boyson <alieb@GEMINI.OSCS.MONTANA.EDU>
Subject:      Journal of Family and Consumer Science

Good Afternoon:

Checking our records for this title, we dicovered the same phenomenon.
We have not received this new title at all and have claimed it over and over.

Did it die aborning?

Elizabeth Boyson                       Phone:406-994-5305
Montana State University - Bozeman     FAX:406-994-2851
Serials/Acquisitions                   Internet:
Renne Library
Bozeman, MT 59717

Date:         Thu, 7 Dec 1995 19:35:26 -0600
From:         Ann Ercelawn <ERCELAA@CTRVAX.VANDERBILT.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences

We have complete receipts for this title. Our latest
issue is v. 87, no. 3 (fall 1995).

Ann Ercelawn
serials cataloger, Vanderbilt

Date:         Fri, 8 Dec 1995 09:19:07 -0600
From:         Mary Lou Zamis <maryloue@UNLLIB.UNL.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences
Comments: To:


We have rec'd v.86,no.3 & 4 of the Journal of Family and
Consumer Sciences.  We have v.87,no.1 claimed and have had
a response from Ebsco that the publisher is sending as of

Hope this helps.
MaryLou Epp              |     Never fight with a pig.
Acq/Serial Records       |       You both get muddy,
209N Love Library        |     & the pig will love it!
Univ.of Nebr.-Lincoln    |
Lincoln, NE 68588-0410   |           ^--^
(402) 472-2542           |          ( oo )  |

Date:         Fri, 8 Dec 1995 15:17:55 -0600
From:         Susan Andrews <SA5734@ETSUADMN.ETSU.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences -request for info.
In-Reply-To:  Message of Thu, 7 Dec 1995 17:13:36 EST from <lib_cag@SHSU.EDU>

We finally received 3 or 4 issues, all at the same time, after claiming
for quite some time.  We got them at the beginning of October.

Good Luck.
Susan Andrews
Serials Catalog Librarian
East Texas State University

Date:         Fri, 8 Dec 1995 17:10:55
From:         Birdie MacLennan <BMACLENN@UVMVM>
Subject:      Re: Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences

Though we've claimed it more than once, we've yet to receive it since
since its ostensible title change in 1994.  We're still waiting to get
a copy so we can catalog it & confirm that it indeed changed title from:
_Journal of home economics_  and then close out the old record!

Birdie MacLennan
Serials Coordinator
University of Vermont