Info. needed about LOEX Chae Jung Lim 05 Dec 1995 17:07 UTC

Hi, colleagues!

Is there anyone who knows about LOEX, which is Library Exchange
Orientation, I believe. I need information like address, phone
number, fax number, or e-mail address, anything I can get in touch

And one more, we want to evaluate our library instructions. Where
can I get the samples for library skills test? I think this kind
of question may be inappropriate, but I would appreciate if anyone
of you can help me.

Please answer direct to me. Many thanks in advance...

                                 Serials Librarian
                                 Central Library
                                 Yonsei University
                                 Seoul, Korea

[From: Chae Jung Lim <jlchae@BUBBLE.YONSEI.AC.KR>]